The HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN is banning tobacco advertising because "it's
the responsible thing to do," said publisher John Flanagan.
The ban, which takes effect immediately, was prompted by reader complaints
over two recent tobacco ads. The STAR-BULLETIN is Hawaii's second largest
daily newspaper.
USA TODAY, (5/27/99) "Hawaii", p. A13
[Full Text here]
Kansas Newspaper Reverses Decision To Lift Tobacco Ad Ban
Tom Bell, editor of the SALINA (KS) JOURNAL, announced last week
that he has reversed his recent decision to lift the paper's
14-year ban on tobacco ads.
Bell announced he was lifting the
ban about two weeks ago because tobacco was a legal product, and
he didn't believe that adults should be shielded from
information about legal products.
That decision prompted
numerous calls and letters from the community. Bell said he
still stands by that principle, but was swayed by the
community's response. "I had to consider what this issue means
to the community," Bell said. "This community is unique in that
they adopted our stance as theirs."
Bell's decision to
reinstate the tobacco ban was hailed by health advocates.
"People look to the SALINA JOURNAL for leadership -- I think a
decision like this will be respected," said Steve Henoch of the
Salina Prevention Partnership.
SALINA (KS) JOURNAL, (5/29/99), "Journal Reverses Tobacco Decision," Michael Strand
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