Citizens for Clean Air and Clean Lungs

Albuquerque Teens Read Weekly Alibi

The Weekly Alibi pretends kids and teens do not see this material. We find this hard to believe. Therefore, we asked some.

We do not pretend that this is a "random" or scientific study. We just asked three Albuquerque youth we frequently see at a local park. We conducted the informal sessions on September 3rd, 1999 around 1:30pm. We interviewed each of the participants alone. They did not listen to or hear the responses of the other participants. Here are the results of this convenient study.


To the left is Violetta (age 16). We withheld her last name to protect her privacy. She believes she has been reading the Weekly Alibi for over 3 years. She reads it occasionally.

Her favorite sections are the: personals, movie listings and reviews, horoscopes, information about various activities, comics and the ads.

Next, we interviewed Cassandre (age 13). She believes she has been reading the Weekly Alibi for over 3 years. Her favorite sections are the: personals, comics, movie listings and reviews, and horoscopes.

Finally, we interviewed Nick (age 15). He believes he has been reading the Weekly Alibi for over 5 years. Nick's favorite sections are the: movie listings and the "good and interesting articles."

There you have it. We challenge the Weekly Alibi to demonstrate kids and teens are not affected by their negative tobacco advertising.


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